
 雪が再びシアトルを襲ってくるようですね。所々の雪がまだ完全に溶けていないのに、更に雪が降ってくると運転が難しくなります。 ベルビュー(BSD)学区は、すでに通常より2時間早く授業を打ち切ることが決定していますが、ILAの幼児クラスがいつも通りに行う予定です。但し、天候の状況に応じて早めにピックアップをお願いする可能性がありますので、メールを頻繫に確認してください。また、お住まいの道路状況に応じて早めにお迎えに来られるなど、各自のご判断で対応してください。

As we know a snow storm is heading for Seattle, and we want to take all the necessary precautions for the safety of all families and staff of ILA.

BSD school district has already announced early close at 12:30 on Friday, and ILA would like to remind all parents and guardians of Friday class a possible early pick-up if we have to do so due to the weather condition. Please do check your email from time to time to make sure that you will receive our update timely.

We encourage you to check your local weather announcement for road and transportation condition to make your own decision on your pick-up time.

We are sorry for the inconvenience caused, and please make your plan accordingly.

ILA| ベルビューの日本語学習塾
International Learning Academy