3月17日のお知らせ ILA Online Class Notice

ILA 保護者のみなさま、




・ウサギクラス 開校日時 月〜金 9:45~10:45 対象は年少〜年中

・キリンクラス 開校日時 月〜金 11:00~12:00 対象は年中〜年長

・小学生クラス 開校日時 火、木 12:30~13:30 対象は小学生






ILA 真奈美・美季

PS. パケットをご希望のご家庭で、まだ受け取りに来られていない方は、月曜日から金曜日までの11:30〜13:30の間でご希望の日時をおしらせください。オフィスにいない時もございますので、必ず事前のご連絡をお願い致します。

Hi ILA Japanese Class Parents/Guardians,

Thank you for attending the online classes this Monday and Tuesday. I hope you all had fun! Thank you for the feedback you provided, we will use those to improve the class experience tomorrow!

We will begin the regular online classes tomorrow. We can’t wait to see all of you in class! We’ll sing songs and get together. It’ll be a fun time.

Please see the class schedule below.

* Usagi class  Monday through Friday 9:45~10:45  (2~4 years olds)

* Kirin class    Monday through Friday 11:00~12:00 (4~6 years olds)

* Elementary class Tuesday and Thursday 12:30~1:30 (Elementary school students)

All classes are open to anyone who wants to join. If you want, you can attend all three classes! Each class will be geared towards the target age group, but everyone is welcome.

We will send invitations soon. Please refer to the invitation mail for information on joining the class.

Please be prepared with paper, a pencil, and color pencils or crayons.

Please let us know if you do not receive the invitations by Wednesday morning.

Let’s enjoy the class!

ILA| ベルビューの日本語学習塾
International Learning Academy