3月11日のお知らせ ILA Closure Notice

ILA 保護者の皆様へ、



















As we have been talking about COVID-19, ILA management has been closely monitoring the  evolving news and information about the spread of Coronavirous (COVID-19) in our region.

Today Bellevue Schools announced that they will be closed beginning Friday, March 13 till March 27. 

There are no confirmed cases of COVID-19 (coronavirus) in the Bellevue School District at this time. While public health guidance has not changed, across the district they are experiencing staff shortages that have interrupted our ability to provide high quality instruction to each and every one of the students. Many of the staff fall into the categories designated by Public Health – Seattle & King County as being at higher risk and they have been following guidance and avoiding extended contact with others. In addition, they have many of their educators and staff who have been conflicted with serving their students and ensuring they are safe by taking care of their own health and their families’ health. Surrounding districts, including the Seattle Public Schools and Lake Washington Schools, have begun making decisions to close. Many of the staff have children who attend schools in those districts, and they expect those closures to further reduce staff in their schools.

While ILA also does not have a current concern of an active exposure to coronavirus (COVID-19), we have decided to close from March 13 (Friday) to March 27 (Friday). ILA will open tomorrow March 12th.

It was informed not only by our priority to protect the health and safety of our students, family, and employees but also by our communal responsibility to slow the spread of COVID-19.  We believe this is a critical moment in the outbreak when such measures can potentially impact the spread of the disease.

The following week, we will again look closely and make a decision later.  We will email you once we decided.

While ILA will be closed, office staff are always reachable.  Please feel free to contact us via email during this time.  (Please be aware that we won’t be at the office all the time, so we may not have to catch the phone call.)

Also, we are thinking to have online class from Monday to Friday for about one hour.  More details are coming later.  Stay tuned! 

We have been cleaning the facility more, wiping all door knobs and such more often.  We will continue doing so.  We hope this outbreak will end soon and we will keep looking closely about the news to be safe for everyone.  This is the first experience for us, so we are confused in this situation.  However, we think to protect everyone’s health is the first priority, we announced the school closure no matter what.  Thank you for understanding.

Public Health Guidance
We encourage you to continue to follow existing guidelines to protect your own health. The Centers for Disease Control recommends:

  • Wash hands with soap and water for 20 seconds; use alcohol-based sanitizer if no water is available
  • Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands
  • Avoid close contact (within 6 feet) with those who are sick
  • Stay home if sick
  • Cover cough or sneeze with tissue, throw tissue in trash, wash hands
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched object and surfaces
ILA| ベルビューの日本語学習塾
International Learning Academy